Kootingal Youth Group is for all Youth in School Years 6 and up. We meet weekly from 5.00-6.30pm Friday at St Andrew’s Church Kootingal for food, fun games, fellowship around the Bible learning about Jesus, and social nights.
Parent/carer permission is required using the registration form: Youth Invitation and Permission 2023 Please return via email to tory.cayzer@gmail.com or give to your child to bring along. Thanks!

Barraba Bash for High School students (Yrs 7-12) registered in Kootingal Youth Group
What? Barraba Bash is a one-day combined youth event. Our topic is ‘identity’ from Ephesians 2 in the Bible
When? 10.30am – 3.30pm Saturday 25 March 2023
Where? Barraba Anglican Church
Who? High School students Yrs 7–12 registered with our Youth Group
Cost? $20, includes lunch (coeliac, dairy free, vegetarian available).
What do I need to bring? Bring your Bible, a pen, water bottle, and clothes to play outdoor games (all the normal stuff you’d bring to youth group… including shoes!)
We will meet at Kootingal Church at 8.50am, our leaders will drive, and we will be back at Kootingal Church at 5pm (let us know if transport from/to home is required)
Registration required by 20 March. Don’t let money stop your child attending… assistance is available. Pay and register with Tory Cayzer.
For more info: Tory 0407 466 459