What We Believe

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16

The Bible tells us that God created all of the world, including us. He made it good. But humanity rejected the creation order. Rather than obey God, we rebelled against him and against his ways of living in his world. This is what the Bible calls sin.

Sin deserves the punishment of death. This is why death entered into the world for all people. The good news of Christianity is that God loves us so much that he came into the world to take the punishment of death for us. He came into the world as the man who is God – Jesus Christ, the one and only Son. Unlike any other man in history, Jesus Christ was sinless. He perfectly obeyed his Father God.

Christians believe that Jesus Christ died for our sins. His death was a substitute for our death if we accept him as Lord and Saviour.

Jesus did not need to die. He was sinless. His death on the Cross was to take the punishment for all of humanity. Jesus did not stay dead, he defeated death. On the first Easter Sunday he rose from the tomb, appeared to many people, and then ascended to Heaven. From there he reigns over all of the universe.

For all who believe in him as the Saviour who has taken the punishment for our sins, and as the Lord who has risen to rule all of the universe, is forgiveness of sin and eternal life. God gives Christians his Holy Spirit to live in them to help while they wait for Jesus to return.

Have you accepted Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord?