As I write, the track and field events have begun in the Paris Olympics. It’s 100 years since Paris last hosted the Olympics, and so 100 years since Eric Liddell shocked the world. Not because he broke any records on the track, but because he wouldn’t run!
You might remember his story in the film Chariots of Fire.
Liddell was the fastest man on earth and was expected to win the 100m sprint at Paris in 1924. But for him, Sunday was the Lord’s Day and so he would not run on Sunday when his race was scheduled. The most urgent and important was making Jesus number one. Anything else would be second best… even an Olympic gold medal!
Who is number one in your life? What comes before everything else?
Perhaps it’s yourself. For others it might be work, sport, your children, friends, serving our local community, or making money.
A Christian is a person who puts Jesus in first place in every decision…. even on Sundays.
A Christian wouldn’t want to miss church for the whole world. It’s where we thank Jesus for his death for us on the cross (the death that should have been ours), it’s where we celebrate God’s forgiveness of our sins for the times we mess up, it’s where we help each other make him number one again, it’s where we hear him speak through his word so that we can live, and it’s where we are reminded that heaven and hell exist and are eternal. It’s the only place we are reminded that the eternal is far more important than the fleeting things of this world, even Olympic gold medals.
Jesus said: Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me and for the gospel will save it. What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? (Mark 8:34–36)
There is a cost to following Jesus. It will mean we miss out on many good things in life… even gold medals. But that cost is nothing compared to the cost Jesus paid to win eternal life for us. He gave his perfect sinless life to pay for our dying sinful life – a price we will never be able to repay.
The cost is also small compared to the gains we receive with Jesus in this life as number one. We receive the joy of him always being with us, his guidance, his love and care, his provision, and rich fellowship with one another, which is a taste of eternity.
But wait a split second… ‘Surely, missing church on Sunday wouldn’t matter?’ ‘God would understand, we are all busy doing good?’ ‘Surely, family should come first on Sunday?’
Not if God is God. And to not put God first is to miss the best for ourselves and those around us, including our family, friends, and local community. As Eric Liddell said later in life, “Many of us are missing something in life because we are after the second best.”
If you tired of settling for second best, come join us at Kootingal Moonbi Anglican Church 8am and 10am Sundays at St Andrew’s Church Kootingal.
For latest details: 6760 3361 or or check out the Facebook page ‘Kootingal Moonbi Anglican Church Parish of Cockburn Valley’
God bless, Tory Cayzer (Vicar, Anglican Parish of Cockburn Valley).
Photo credit: Luca Dugaro on Unsplash