Guest Speaker Dinner 12 March

6.30-8.30pm Wednesday 12 March at Moonbi War Memorial Hall. Guest speaker: Dave McDonald.

‘Two devastating words left me feeling hopeless and lost. Tumour and incurable.’

Come hear David McDonald’s desperate search for hope through his terminal cancer diagnosis. With dreams shattered, his family distraught, his body wracked by chemo and his faith severely tested, this Christian pastor went back to the Bible to find out for certain: Is God there? Does he care? When there is no cure, does God still offer hope?

$10 per head for a meal, dessert and drinks (kids free). Pay cash or card on entry. Creche and supervised kid’s activities while Dave speaks.

Please register by using the Contact Us tab on this website, email, or phone 6760 3361 or 0407 466 459.

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